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with Georg Mertens

Cello Solo
Duos with Georg & Friends

The base fee for a solo concert is $ 600
The base fee for a Duo concert is $ 1000

This includes c. one hour of performance
usually split into two 1/2 an hour brackets with an interval of c 30 min.


Travel allowance is:
$1 per km distance from Katoomba for solo
$2 per km distance from Katoomba for Duo
The travel fee is added to the base fee.
The sum of base fee plus travel allowance is the minimum fee.


For solo house concerts a deposit of $100 is required
For Duo concerts a deposit of $200 is required.
The deposit is deducted from the outstanding minimum fee.

Crowd funding?

It looks like that:
After and during the private concert a bucket is placed for donations
so guests can contribute to the cost.
All content of the bucket goes to the performer(s).

If the donations are lower than the fee, the host needs to cover the balance.
The balance needs to be paid after the performance when the donations are collected.
The bucket money does not pay for expenses of food / wine
(unless detailed arrangements have been made beforehand).
I have given private concerts, where the whole fee was covered by the bucket content.

Ticket Sales - Entry Fee?

An entry fee of 35 visitors paying $30 (= $ 1050) pays for a duo concert
(surcharges for food / wine only with mutual agreement of the amount).

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Copyright 2005